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And so it finally happened.  The snow is falling down in thick sheets.  I already shoveled the driveway of my Mom's house that I'm currently living in.  I might need to do so again several times before the day is through.  I wasn't expecting this much snow to fall.  It was a lame winter for most of December and January.  It looked as if February was going to be a lame winter month too.  So imagine my surprise when snow waits until now before falling with enthusiasm.  Hey, better late than never.  Personally, I was hoping that I'll be employed before the typical Cleveland, Ohio winter starts.  However, I'm still unemployed.  My current unemployment plight where from February 2010 to current, I've been employed for only two months and barely a week.  This could only result in only two conclusions....
1.  My current unemployment plight is my fault.  In that case, I need to overhaul my personality and jettison bad personality traits that's getting me thrown off the payroll after only four and a half hours at KFC and only four days at Earthbound Trading Company.  I can't keep using the same negetive personality traits if it's making enemies of some of my employers past, current and future.
2.  My current unemployment plight is the end result of the Great Recession that's currently going on.

 Needless to say, I'm hoping that it's the second option and not the first.  Anyway, while I'm busy filling out job application forms, here are some photos of film and television actress Vanessa Hudgens.

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