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Offsetts Lawyer Says He Was 'Targeted 'For Being Black After Getting Arrested For Gun Possession

 If Offset Being Targeted?

Offset has now been released today after he was arrested on Friday when Offset was accused of allegedly making an improper lane change from the cops. After searching through his vehicle. The officer discovered he had pot, three handguns and over 100,000 in cash in his vehicle. He was then charged,with alleged possession with a weapon , possession with a firearm and possession of marijauana. 

His lawyer is now speaking thinking that the whole thing is a conspiracy against a rich black rapper

from  E News

 "Having been educated on this case in the last 24 hours, he did not commit any traffic offenses besides being a young African-American man in a flashy car wearing nice jewelry," the attorney said. "He has a security team that have licenses to possess firearms and he did not physically have any firearms in his possession. We will have to deal with this in court and address these legal issues. I am confident in telling you he is 100 percent innocent."

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